Using melee weapons also runs the risk of exposing one's self to infection, either through a zombie bite or blood splatter. A blade that sees regular use can require as much or more maintenance and care than a firearm. Melee weapons also require extreme care in their use and constant, regular maintenance anytime they are deployed.
Melee weapons rely entirely on the user for the energy needed to kill something and combat, even with an edged weapon, is extremely tiring and wears on the body. One such proponent is Max Brooks, who has wrote in his book that, 'blades don't need reloading.' This, however, ignores that blades do require reloading in a very real sense. Many zombie survivalists promote or even recommend melee weapons over firearms. Since ammunition will become increasingly difficult to come by, it is important to keep a quality close-quarters weapon handy. They can range from simple tools to long blades designed for combat. A melee weapon is any weapon used in direct hand to hand combat.