Not to mention you can also use our electric bass guitars at your sessions a vintage Fender Precision bass (1970’s) and a Warwick Corvette 4 (1995). We love bass guitar – from ROUND FAT and WARM, CLEAN to DISTORTED, THUMPING to PUMPING… We have tons of tools for recording bass guitars – a wide selection of instrument preamps, Direct Injection (DI) boxes solid state and tube, effect pedals from the SansAmp Bass DI, Aphex Bass Xciter, Bass amplifiers from the solid state Gallien Kruger Backline 600 to Ampeg SVT6PRO tubes, EDEN bass cabinet enclosure with 4×10 speakers, and a wide assortment of microphones for mic’ing the bass cabinet. Tons of options in recording electric and acoustic bass guitars at Sound Weavers recording studio. Bass Guitar recording tools preamp, DI, effect pedals, amplifiers, mics, tubes